A beautiful mixed bouquet
A beautiful mixed bouquet
Surprise and delight your loved ones with this beautiful mixed bouquet, wrapped in elegant and stylish decorative paper. Our mixed bouquet is carefully arranged from fresh and fragrant seasonal flowers, which are selected based on current supply and quality. With the love and art of our experienced florists, each bouquet becomes a unique piece that reflects the beauty of nature and brings a little joy to every day.
Contents of the bouquet:
Mixed seasonal flowers: rose, carnation, auspicious and other flowers
Green accessories: different types of leaves and twigs for a balanced look
Packaging: The bouquet is wrapped in decorative paper, available in a variety of colors, and decorated with coordinating ribbon.
Different sizes: The bouquet is in the picture Basic
We recommend placing the bouquet in a vase with clean water and changing it regularly.
Adding the supplied nutrient solution to the water can also help extend the life of the flowers.
Option to choose the color of decorative paper and ribbon
Dedication: With each bouquet you will receive a free postcard for your wishes. If you wish to send a bouquet directly to the recipient, we are happy to write your message by hand.
The flowers are packed in such a way that they remain protected and fresh during transport
Ideal for:
Birthday surprise.
Different sizes
Different sizes
- A mixed bouquet of blooming arrangements with different types of flowers and greenery. The size of this bouquet can be different depending on the occasion, your preferences or budget. Here is an example description for four different sizes - Small, Stock, Medium, Large:
- Size Small:
Diameter: approx. 30-35 cm
Height: approx. 40-50 cm
Number of flowers: 7-10 main flowers complemented by greenery and smaller accessory flowers.
Ideal for: table decorations, small favors or as an accompanying gift. - Size Basic:
Diameter: approx. 35-40 cm
Height: approx. 45-55 cm
Number of flowers: 10-15 main flowers with a rich combination of greenery and secondary flowers.
Ideal for: birthday cards, anniversaries or as a centerpiece for a larger table. - Size Medium:
Diameter: approx. 40-45 cm
Height: approx. 50-60 cm
Number of flowers: 15-20 main flowers with a rich combination of greenery and secondary flowers.
Ideal for: birthday cards, anniversaries or as a centerpiece for a larger table. - Size Large:
Diameter: approx. 45-50 cm or larger.
Height: approx. 55-65 cm or higher.
Number of flowers: 25-30 or more main flowers, richly supplemented with various types of greenery and distinctive accessory flowers.
Ideal for: main decoration for special events such as weddings, proms or as a luxury gift for special occasions.
- Dimensions and number of flowers are approximate only and may vary based on specific design and availability of flowers.
Bouquet care:
Bouquet care:
- We recommend changing the water regularly and trimming the stems diagonally for better water absorption.
- Water: Make sure the vase is always filled with fresh water.
- Pruning: Trim the ends of the stems regularly to help them absorb water better.
- Location: Place the bouquet out of direct sunlight and drafts.
- Shipping: We offer delivery of the bouquet directly to the recipient's address on the day of the order or on the desired date.
- Delivery time: Standard delivery during working days, with the option of choosing a delivery time window.
- Packaging in transit: The bouquet is carefully packed and protected to keep it fresh and undamaged during delivery.
- Express delivery options within 90 minutes.
- Order our Bouquet of Red Roses today and send sunshine full of love and tenderness!
- Transport price: free delivery within the city of Pilsen within 7 km.
- We deliver within Pilsen within 30 km all week.
- Outside the vicinity of Pilsen from 30 km and the entire Czech Republic, it is necessary to order 2 days in advance, we will deliver during the week from Monday to Friday, price 200 kc.